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Boomerang Alliance

This recommended council plastic-free event motion has been produced following our assessment of other council motions to raise a plastic free events policy. A downloadable version can be found as part of the Boomerang Alliance 'Plastic Free Council and Community Event Guidelines'.


Noting with concern the significant issue that single-use plastics pose to the general and marine environments, and the burden and high cost they represent to the waste management sector,

Recognising that Council is committed to reducing the quantity of single- use plastics procured and used within the local community and to lead by example,

Also recognising that Council is committed to operating under sustainable practices; protecting land, marine and costal environments; reducing waste and increasing resource recovery, and promoting local, ethical and sustainable products,

Council will introduce a Plastic Free Guide for all Council events, and: (options - pick one and reword as required):

  1. effective immediately, ban the use of single-use plastics in all Council run events. The ban affords existing facilities and vendors a 6-month grace period to source alternatives to single-use plastics. Council will facilitate the provision of information on sourcing alternatives to events operating, or seeking to operate, within the Council area. OR phase out the use of single-use plastics in all Council run events by <<nominated date>>. Council will ensure that any single-use plastics still in use due to existing contracts or necessity have a defined end date for their use. Council will facilitate the provision of information on sourcing alternatives to events operating, or seeking to operate, within the Council area.

  2. ban the use of single-use plastics at all events held on Council land, or sponsored by Council by <<nominated date>>. Events held after this date will be required to adhere to a Plastic Free Events Guide as a condition of obtaining a license. The scope, definitions and guideline requirements within the Plastic Free Events Guide will be drafted by Council officers, to be passed at a future meeting of Council.

  3. require that single-use plastics are replaced with reusable or 100% compostable items, or, if captured in a closed loop system, items eligible under a container refund scheme (if applicable), and that balloons and polystyrene packaging are not used, sold or distributed.

  4. undertake an education campaign about the impacts of single-use plastics and the alternatives to these items, with particular emphasis on promoting BYO strategies.

  5. work to provide information to event organisers on sourcing alternatives to single-use plastics and encourage events within the community to adopt these strategies.

Note: It is recommended that councils define their definition of single-use plastics in this context and include a current list (which can be easily updated) in their regulations. In some cases there is currently not a viable alternative to the use of a single-use plastic product. The following products (where not covered by a state ban) are reasonable to include in this definition as they contain readily sourced, viable alternatives; water bottles, food ware (cutlery, cups, plates, bowls), straws, coffee cups/lids, takeaway containers, and plastic bags.

We strongly urge councils to consider banning balloons or including balloons in this definition as well.

Download this guide HERE

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